Iris tells us to take the bags home and leave them somewhere warm for 24 hours .................. OH OH Iris e-mails .......... there is no soda ash in the dye so it won't set ........................ A week later I manage to remember to buy soda ash .......... add it to the baggies, leave by the heat overnight and this is what the result was:
Now there was still some dye in the bags so I thought OKAY I can dye some more silk............ Right ............................... NOT REALLY .................. I forgot that there was a limited "life span" for these dyes. So what I got was anemic celery, pathetic pewter, baby puke yellow and insipid orange.
I NEEDED A COLOUR FIX SO .............................. food colouring and vinegar gave me this:
Now I am wishing this silk was nice enough to spin .................... except for the wishy-washy stuff that is. Oh well I will have to find some thing interesting to do with the lovely colours.
So WNK at the pool hall was fun. There was 9 of us and a wee one. I worked on the BLACK fingerless gloves for DD #2 . Fortunately there is no pattern just 4X2 ribbing. I really dislike working with black as I really can't see it well any more......... So what colour do all my children choose for the projects I am making them ???.................. Well BLACK of course ............. it is nice that 2 out of 3 of the future in-laws have chosen colours. Liz likes red and Aaron likes blue.
No knit night at Knitopia but I met Gail there about 4:30. She hadn't been to the sale so found some yarn she couldn't live without. I paid for the yarn Lynne had put aside for me, after I shared some of the yarn with Gail and Doris. Doris bought a lot of cotton yarn. (I was really good ............... honest ............ I only spent $10.00.)
After all that shopping Gail offered to take me for coffee so we went to McBernies and chatted until 6:30.
Friday,I stayed home other than going for groceries. I did make some more stitch markers and did some laundry.
I have almost finished the shawl I am test knitting , then to finish the sample shawl. It will be nice to have these finished so I can start another shawl or maybe even finish one that has been resting.
Whoops, my turn to go for the coffee, back in a moment.
Okay I am back with coffee and a sandwich. DH didn't want a sandwich so is going to look after himself. I am glad I married a man who cooks.
We are watching "Clear and Present Danger" on TV and critiquing the continuity and the foolish things the characters do.
Like Jeff Foxworthy says " don't they listen to the music" ............................... they always play "scary music" when something bad is going to happen.
Well I should really go and do some ..................... are you ready for this ............................ are you sure ...............................
I ..... yes I ... am going to do some housework. We need clean clothes although people might pay us to put clothes on if we go out naked. On the other hand we might get arrested which wouldn't be good so I am off to do LAUNDRY.
I love the colors even if they are wishy washy...... Didn't the first batch of silk turn out great. I did a little nature dying of the Cotwood, yellows and oranges, turned out well hopefully I will post some picutres soon.