Needless to say I have been on a mad knitting streak plus looking after DGD when her Mother works.
Friday Molly and I decided to go see some of the events around the cities so we got on the bus.............. went to Richmond to the 0zone. We should have checked somewhere to get a time table as 'BC Street ' was closed to the public because of a media event , something else was closed so we waited in the line for "Heiniken Holland house" Half an hour later we got in only to find that the only things that were open were the ones that wanted to sell you something. We then decided to take the Sky train to Vancouver as we wanted to go to the Art Gallery ........................ an hour and a half wait .......................... we couldn't stand in line that long after alll the standing and walking we had done. One of the volunteers suggested we come first thing in the morning as the wait was a bit shorter then so that is a plan for this week.
We then decided to wander around and see what was going on................

I arrived home that night rather exhausted only to find out the BIll had not been able to take DGD to see the Musical Ride so Saturday what happens................... a rather tired Grandma takes DGD to the Surrey Olympic site for the day and we still didn't get to see the Musical Ride................................if you think I was tired on Friday night you should have been me on Saturday night......... It is now Tuesday I think I have recovered........ 9 year olds are very busy people and we had a great day.
The thing that is the most amazing is the number of people and there is no pushing, everyone seems to have a smile on their face and so many people are wearing something that signifies Canada. It is a wonderful atmosphere no matter where you go .