August 23, 2011
Jill, Shelby, Elizabeth and I went to Ft St John to celebrate my Wendy Sister's 60th Birthday and to visit with family. We put approximately 2,500 kilometers on the car. It took 2 days to drive up and 2 days to return as we had to make frequent stops for the children, especially the baby. Jill helped with the driving so I did get a break from that so I could knit. I am knitting socks for Bill and Aaron for birthday presents
At the Hospital
My Niece Koren and her new baby Quinn (1 day old) in the hospital. |
A day on the river. Jim took us out on the Peace River up as far as Site C where a new dam may be built. Saw Rene's old ranch house and the mesa where he held the branding parties. Went a little ways up the Pine river and then down the Peace to where we could see John and Janine's house. Also passed under the railway bridge. When we first moved to Ft St John we had to cross on the railway bridge as the car bridge was out.
The mighty Peace River |
Shelby and Jill |
Captain Jim |
First Mate Janice and Grand Niece Elizabeth |
Playing in the park for a little while.
At John and Janine's House
Main entrance - opens into the "Mud Room". |
Fireplace in the living room |
Living Room |
Dining room off the living room |
Kitchen- notice the copper ceiling. This was taken from the dining room. |
This is the office with the quilted wall hanging I made showing the front of the house. |
Stairway to the Loft bedroom and bath |
John ............. WITHOUT A HAT!!!!!! |
Bama prints on the wall and a Hand stitched Hetterite quilt they had commissioned . |
close up of the stitching |
There is applique on this quilt. It is done in a light beigy/ecru colour. |
Visiting this springs foal and their dames
Elizabeth riding the Stallion Rum Runner. Shelby said he was too big to ride. |
View of the river from the house
Jason and Navenda's house
Jasper Jade ( about 1month) lying on the quilt I made her. |
Booker and Bailey-"Can we come in?" |
Jason showing off Booker who weights 90 pounds. Janice has seen it before. |
Mom and Baby JJ |
Wendy and Bob's house
A bad photo of the family at the party. I hope some one else got a better photo |
Birthday cake if you didn't know that............ VBG |
I stole the babies. |
Shelby feeding Quinn |
I am sewing the last of the labels on the quilts. This photos is for Dotty. |
4 of 5 |
I smile because you are my sister. I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. |
According to Wendy and Bob, Elizabeth is the loudest baby they ever met. |
I made this quilt for Wendy so she could wrap her grandkids in it or let them play on it on the floor. The backing is Shrek fabric so when the kids are bad I told her to have the ogre showing and not the lovely bright colours. |
Quinn on the quilt I made for him. |
Tristan on his "I Spy " quilt that I made for him. |
Elizabeth and Tristan checking out the pictures on the quilt |
Mike and Koren with the Wedding quilt I made for them. Yes Dotty there is a label.
Sunset on Charlie Lake from the deck.
Time to go home |
Leaving Janice and Jim's house. |
"On the road again"
Looking down the road |
Chetwynne |
some of the damage in the Pine Pass |
Fraser River |
Arrived home about supper time on Wednesday, tired but happy.