The Mistress of Mayhem has been here every day for at least 2 weeks while her Mother packs, and moves and cleans. Hopefully this will be the last full day I have her as
are you ready for this ........................................................................
you had better sit down ......................................................................
There is definitely a reason why 60+ year olde women don't have babies.
I know there are scientists out there who have proven that a 62 year olde woman can have a baby BUT they are definitely MALE ................. I mean what woman in her right mind would want to have a baby at age 60+................ never mind researching the possibility?
I haven't been doing any knitting or quilting because I have been chasing a small child. DH tells me he can watch her but our definition of "Watching" is not the same. I look every few minutes and get up if she is out of sight or I don't recognize a noise she makes. The other day he was "WATCHING" her and she went down the hall with a blue elephant and a car.............. came back with a cook book and a pen. The problem here is that he was actually sitting in the kitchen looking down the hall "WATCHING" her.
The other day someone left the bathroom door open and she went in, climbed on to the stool I use, up on to the toilet and filled her little stool with rubber ducks from the shelf.
Photos from the reunion
My youngest brother John and my sisters Wendy and Janice. I am the Matriarch in the front ................ lol
This is all of us minus four.