Here Margaret , Lisa and Jocelyn are conferring about something or are they looking a pictures on Lisa's camera. This is probably the only time they will see them............LOL.................. we give Lisa a bad time about her photos. Apparently she does download them to her computer but they never go anywhere from there.
Elizabeth , our retreat center host is trying to cuddle up in Carol's quilt. Carol is on the right and Brigit on the left.
This is Tracey and her quilt for her MIL's 80th birthday. Hopefully she doesn't see this photo as it is not the best one of her
Here are some photos of the quilts the girls worked on. There are no photos of my quiltsas those pictures are on Lisa's camera so you may never get a chance to see them....LOL
Inge always does a pieced back and sometimes she likes the back of the quilt more than the front.
This is the 50th Anniversary Quilt Margaret is making for her parents. The light rectangles are the signature blocks from the Anniversary party.
For the knitter's out there I did work on my "sherbet socks" driving to and from the retreat. I may actually get the finished this week.
Those are some pretty fabulous quilts. My mom quilts some and it always amazing me what designs you guys come up with!
ReplyDeleteI've come over from the Fingerless Mitts for Fall blog. Thank you so much for the comment on my mitten, it's encouraging since I was having trouble motivating myself for the second mitten ^_^
The quilts are wonderful. Looks like it was a great time.