Well the dog was sick, my car needed to be fixed, Jill's car needed to be fixed, Cory fell down the stairs, Doris came over , Mo and Barb came over, I went to Jackies, and WNK, Shelby was here for 2 nights, I made three counting bracelets and many stitch markers, I finally mailed Sue"s parcel, almost finished a wee sock, almost finished my car-knitting-socks, dyed yarn for my 'No ducks 'socks.and ripped out the heels as the socks were too short, vacumned (yes you read that right), finished the applique on a gift quilt, did some spindle spinning .......pause for a breath ..............re-organized my bead stash, found a home for three boxes in THE ROOM, send two big bags of fabric home with Doris as well as some patterns and thread, went to Micheal's and the Dollar store, shopped for groceries, hung up my wee sock collection, did dishes several times. Swept the floor, broke a glass dish I liked. I can't remember what else I did but there was more.
What's happening this coming week..................Well
Tomorrow Barb is coming over to do some crafting,
Monday I am cooking Thanksgiving Dinner,
Tuesday is sewing at Jackie's,
Wednesday I go to Vancouver to pick up magazines and sisal for Donna, then knitting at the Pool Hall in the evening
Thursday - I know something is happening just can't remember what. I better phone some people.
Friday- Gail and I go to Desert Mesa Spinning Retreat
Oh on Thursday I have to pack for the retreat. I have a little note book that has retreat information and what I need to bring so every year I review the list and add or remove anything that needs to be changed.

This was my parcel from Rebelyarnmuse on ravelry.My wee timny pickle sock is in the forefront of the photo. I loved all the goodies but the sock is the best. (Gail took the photo and sent it to me)
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