So what has been happening around here. Well I finished my "Leafy Hug Shawl " for myself. Finished a square for a comfort afghan and need to finish another; Sent a wee sock swap parcel to Australia,started a scarf for some one and made a mess allover the living room floor trying to sort patterns.
Last weekend we had friends over for dinner and a visit. We had a very nice evening which was good because the day did not start out that way. Charlie has ear problems so I try to clean them every day if they need it. I got out the peroxide and cotton balls and started to clean his ears.. Part way through cleaning the second ear I wondered why my fingers were feeling sticky .................. look at the peroxide bottle .................... the label says GRIPE WATER ................. yes it says GRIPE WATER .................. how did I manage that ............... not only are the bottles a different shape but they are a different colour ............... now to start over ............. clean out the gripe water and put in the peroxide. Poor Charlie he hates to have his ears done at the best of times but I notice they have been much better this week. Either the gripe water helped or gummed up everything. He is rather deaf anyway and like every male has selective deafness when it is convenient.
Jill and the girls have been here every day this week but they aren't coming today ................ I am exhausted so they are giving us the day off. Bill has a cold and is not feeling very well so it is a good thing I didn't invite friends for dinner this weekend. Now to hope he doesn't share the cold with me.
Oh yes we had a couple of young fellows over to move furniture in the ROOM ......... then Bill actually sorted some of his stuff. My side of the room is more of a mess than ever but hopefully I will be able to sort some of it soon as I can't get around in there much less find anything. Here is a photo of the door that we couldn't close before because of the "STUFF" leaning against it followed by a photo of the pantry cupboard and the clear floor.
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