There is 6 balls of the brown wool, 11 of the red wool and 15 of the blue wool/acrylic. I thought I would make felted clogs out of the red but then realized that if you can machine wash it................. you CAN"T felt it.............DUH. The blue will make lovely socks but .................................. who wants to knit EIGHT pairs of plain blue socks ...................... NOT ME ...................I am bored just thinking about it.
This is what both my hands look like after wiping up the blue printer ink I spilt on the sink, dishes, counter, cupboard and floor............. boy!!! does it ever cover a lot of territory when you try to clean it up. I mean it just spreads out and out and out.................., thinner coat but covering more area. I kept wiping and rinsing and wiping and rinsing. I even thought to myself ' Self you don;'t like this floor anyway . It might look better blue'.
I don't remember being this clumsy you think it is just a phase?? I sure hope so because I am getting awfully tired of cleaning up weird things on the kitchen floor.
Boy was I at the top of Shelby's "S" list on Friday. I told her that her Mum was late because she was picking up Skyla who babysits Shelby at times. Well Shelby is all excited and says"Skyla is the BESTEST babysitter maybe she is going to babysitter me tomorrow."
"Better than Auntie Cory or I?"
Shelby "Yes Skyla is the bestest babysitter in the whole world"
"I am going to tell Auntie Cory" said I picking up the phone.
Shelby "NO" and stomped out the door but only closed the screen door so she could eavesdrop. Well Cory and I both laughed about the bestest babysitter. After I hung up Shelby stomped in, got her jacket, said "You are the WORSTEST GRANDMA IN THE WORLD", stomped back out and proceeded to bark and howl like a dog on the front steps. The plan being that this would irritate me...................... this was not the most amusing part of the day . That happened when Jill arrived and I told her the story. My daughter looked at me and said in a rather disgusted tone of voice said " And you let her bark and howl on the porch"? That is one of the best "OH MUM's " I have got in a long while. I just love it when I annoy my children...........LOL..........payback is a bitch!!!!!!!!!
I have since been forgiven and have been reinstated to the position of BEST Grandma.
Well I have been trying to organize myself for the Quilting retreat this weekend. It starts about noon on Thursday and finishes Sunday about 3:00. So far I have 8 projects put out to take ........................ all are in various stages of completion. Maybe I am not planning to sleep. One thing for sure is I won't lack for things to keep me busy, not that that has ever been a problem in my life. Darn I have to drive this time ................ no knitting on the trip there and back.......... shoot. Oh well should be able to live through it as I will get my knitting fix Wednesday night with the sock knitters. Mean while I have finished three wash cloths. The photos are on my 'flickr' site , link is on the left of the blog.
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