What am I doing now................ NOT HOUSEWORK although I do need to wash clothes so I don't go naked to the Guild meeting tonight. So here is my list which I am sure is incomplete.
1. working on my oldest quilting UFO
2. Dishcloth KAL
3. working on two of three pairs of socks
4. the mystery shawl
5. but I really need something for show-an- tell at the spinning retreat next month so I really, really need to finish my Faroese shawl. I think I am stalled on this as it is rather boring, just garter stitch and no pattern.
6. writing a bookmark pattern.
7. Another thing that should be done soon is DJ and siggy swap blocks. ........................... these being 6 in number.
Do I take on too much???????? Do I know how to say NO??????? Answer: of course not.
This Friday is DH's birthday, the family are coming on Sunday to celebrate. I may cancel if he doesn't stop calling me . He has been gone 1 hour and 45 minutes and has only phoned me FOUR times for info about things because he forgot to take his memo book with him. It's the Y.
I am still trying to figure out what I am going to do on the Quilting retreat in two weeks. I have three large quilts to sandwich and quilt but I always take more projects than I can possibly do as I don't want to get bored. This could be why I have so many UFO' .... you think.
It is now time to have a shower, get dressed and get to work on some of these things.
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