Today I went to lunch and spent the afternoon with my friend Molly. She bought lunch as she said I bought last time. I don't remember that but have marked it in the calendar that next time I get to buy lunch. After lunch we went to the Dollar Giant and I bought stuff to make stitch markers, hair elastics and glue sticks .................. exciting ................ then we went to the Value village. Molly was looking for pants and I was just looking. I found 1 bag for sock knitting (.99) and 22 balls of bright pink wool crepe yarn ($14.00). Will post photos tomorrow. By the way there are rules for buying sock knitting bags: they must be see through and cost under $1.00. I have several and will try to post photos tomorrow. I just don't feel like doing it tonight. Molly bought two vests and one pair of pants so we had a successful day. Went back to my house for tea and then Molly went home about 6:30.
All in all it was a lovely day.
This is mostly about the crafts I am doing in my retirement but with the odd comment about family and friends.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
wednesday night knitters
"She who will not be noticed" (aka Spinquilt) at Wednesday night spinning group. There were 5 of us knitting at the pool hall. Good coffee, good lighting and good company. I worked on my socks as I just couldn't do the boring socks tonight. I think I am going to turn the heels on the boring socks with bright yellow................ just to put a little interest in the socks ................. it won't show when he has his shoes on. I have to do something ..........I mean look at these socks..............there is my lovely socks on the left and on the right we have.......................................BORING
Monday, 22 October 2007
Trying to quilt
Well we had a nice weekend on the Island visiting Bill's Mum and her boyfriend. We arrived Friday night and left Sunday after lunch. It RAINED the entire weekend and I didn't even get to go to the Loom, which is one of my favorite fibre shops. We did have a very nice visit though and really that is what is important.
Sharon phoned to tell me that Knitopia has sock yarn on sale..............WWWHHAHAA............... I have no money until the end of the month.
Today I was going quilting at "A Great Notion "with Jackie and Ellen. They drop me off and go for their pedacure appointments at 11:00. I have my lunch, figure Jackie and Ellen have gone for lunch as it is almost 1:00 and they are till not back. I am happily sewing when Bill phones to say he needs to pick me up to sign some papers. Jackie and Ellen arrive back at 12:55. The ladies in the shop tell them I have left, my DH came and picked me up. ( Hadn't really happened yet but they figured to give Jackie a bad time) Jackie says "She must have been really p'd at us." Then they come in the class room and there I am. I did tell them that I was leaving. DH didn't arrive until after 2:00....................I should have known................He can't go from A to B without a stop somewhere.
Anyway that was the end of my sewing day. Now I am home, time to make supper, do some spinning and a little knitting. Don't know whether I will work on my very colourful socks for me or the very large, very , very, very boring socks for my friend. He only wears neutral colours and I like 'in your face colours'. Maybe I will do a cable or something in the leg part of the sock as I am knitting them from the toe up.................... anything to make them less BORING.
I have 8 envelops containing siggy blocks to mail out so here is hoping they don't adhere to the inside of my purse and disappear for months.
Well I guess I should make some dinner ................. what to make!! what to make????? ............... this is always the difficult part of making meals.
Sharon phoned to tell me that Knitopia has sock yarn on sale..............WWWHHAHAA............... I have no money until the end of the month.
Today I was going quilting at "A Great Notion "with Jackie and Ellen. They drop me off and go for their pedacure appointments at 11:00. I have my lunch, figure Jackie and Ellen have gone for lunch as it is almost 1:00 and they are till not back. I am happily sewing when Bill phones to say he needs to pick me up to sign some papers. Jackie and Ellen arrive back at 12:55. The ladies in the shop tell them I have left, my DH came and picked me up. ( Hadn't really happened yet but they figured to give Jackie a bad time) Jackie says "She must have been really p'd at us." Then they come in the class room and there I am. I did tell them that I was leaving. DH didn't arrive until after 2:00....................I should have known................He can't go from A to B without a stop somewhere.
Anyway that was the end of my sewing day. Now I am home, time to make supper, do some spinning and a little knitting. Don't know whether I will work on my very colourful socks for me or the very large, very , very, very boring socks for my friend. He only wears neutral colours and I like 'in your face colours'. Maybe I will do a cable or something in the leg part of the sock as I am knitting them from the toe up.................... anything to make them less BORING.
I have 8 envelops containing siggy blocks to mail out so here is hoping they don't adhere to the inside of my purse and disappear for months.
Well I guess I should make some dinner ................. what to make!! what to make????? ............... this is always the difficult part of making meals.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Well I haven't reported about the fun at the quilting retreat or the lack of fun with a sinus infection or the fun at the spinning retreat so here goes.

Thursday, Sept.11th, Jocelyn, Jill and I loaded my little Honda wagon with 2 sewing machines, two irons, one ironing board , two office chairs, two suitcases, cutting mats and rulers, table extension, 2 bottles of wine ,1 bottle of Carolines, 1 bottle of Fireball , makings for tea and coffee, table raisers, 2 quilting tool boxes, 1 box of donuts, 1 box of home made muffins, 2 project bags plus 3 people with large purses. Headed out to Rosemary Heights, stopped for lunch at a Mexican Restaurant, then drove to the retreat and unloaded all the above mentioned items. My daughter , Jill, who was taking my car for the weekend was heard to say "Dad can pick them up. I am not loading all the stuff again." Guess who got to pick us up and help load stuff??? Mind you she didn't have to load the alcohol or the food but we did have Shelby this time so there were 4 of us in the car.
I can't believe it..... no photos of the quilting retreat. Hopefully Lisa and Tracey will share theirs with me. I have been falling down in the photo department lately .................. badly......... I need to get battery charger and batteries.
I made a table runner that now needs quilting, did some siggy blocks, put borders on my sons quilt, sandwiched my daughters' quilts, started a pumpkin quilt .................. Yes I know I said I wasn't going to start any new projects but I DON'T have an Oct. wall hanging,....... I DIDN'T have a pattern for it,......... had to RELY ON MY MEMORY of a quilt I saw in a shop ........ ALL THE FABRICS CAME OUT OF MY STASH...... Who would think I would have 9 different orange fabrics and it is not even close to my favorite colour.......................... Is that enough justification for starting a new project?????????????.......... if not how about I made the rule about no new projects so I changed the rule to read 'no new projects except the Oct. wall hanging'. You always need to ask "Who made that rule?"
We all had a great time and got many things done. Lisa double booked herself again so only stayed Thursday night and morning. Margaret had things happening in her life so was only able to come for Saturday. Those two need to get things better organized as I really miss not seeing them. All told we had 11 people and a great time. Lots of food, quilting, show and tell, and laughter. I had 2 finished UFOs to show.
You really need to try what Inge calls "Fruit" ......................... we all got our share of 'Fruit" on this retreat . Fruit= home made blackberry liqueur. WOW is that yummy............... we told her just to bring fruit next retreat........never mind the snacks.
Home on the Sunday and boy was I tired.
Monday morning woke with a head ache........... after 3 days of this headache I went to the Doc as I was beginning to think I had a sinus infection. I was RIGHT ............ antibiotics and nasal spray..... for 2 weeks. Told him I had to be better for the spinning retreat.
Monday, October 8th, Thanksgiving dinner was at my daughters as she likes to cook and I am getting tired of doing all the big family gatherings. We had a great time and wonderful food.................... Turkey, stuffing , gravy, mashed potatoes, yams, broccoli, carrots, corn , brussel sprouts, ambrosia salad, cabbage salad, home made cranberry sauce, buns, cornbread , apple and pumpkin pies...................... great meal.
Tuesday, Oct 9th.......... Guild spin-in at Knitopia's new shop in Langley ................ lots of lovely yarn but Lynn wouldn't let us buy anything as the store was closed. We were only there for spinning. We have several vendors in our guild so she was not going to take advantage of a captive audience by selling anything. Now I have a good reason to go back .......... LOL ........ do I really need a reason to go to a wool or fabric shop .............................. Not.
Again I didn't take any photos.
Spinning retreat, Oct. 12th .......... Friday morning Gail and Sharon stop by to pick me up. We load my spinning chair and wheel, bag containing fibre, kniddy-knoddy, and ball winder, suitcase and large purse with books, sock knitting, and scarf yarn. Spinning retreats don't require as much baggage as quilting retreats ......................Thank goodness. Part way to Cache Creek we open the lunch that Gail made (we originally were supposed to each bring our own lunch)........................ egg sandwiches, brownies, apples and bottles water. It is so nice to be spoilt. We arrive at the retreat and unload our things.... get settled in our rooms and go to the spinning room. Lots of hugs from people I haven't seen in ages. So nice to see every one.
I am spinning some multicoloured turquoisey fibre bought at last years retreat and some silk I had dyed green two years ago.
Every once in a while I get up and walk around to chat and see what every one else is doing. I need to move every so often and I am nosey. Show and tell Friday night ............. WOW .............. what a talented group of people. I hope Gail or Lynne got photos of all the show and tell. What an inspiration all those projects were. Speaking of inspiration how about this for socks??

All socks were hand knit and most of them were hand-spun. That is me in the very bright skirt. Sheila has nick-named me "SHE WHO WILL NOT BE NOTICED". Everyone was given a free book donated by the family of a former spinner, plus there were magazines for the taking. Saturday we did the gift exchange. I received some bright pink wool and a drop spindle. I am going to make the wool into a cushion for my spinning chair.
We had 4 vendors.............................. with a lot of yummy fibery things. I was very tempted by a lot of things but only purchased a small amount of dyed mohair locks and some fuschia pink mohair to go with the turquoise I was spinning to brighten it up.
I need to take some photos of my spinning to post here.*
Sunday after lunch we have to pack up and go home. I could have used one more day but ................. now I will look forward to the next retreat.
The food was delicious. What a weekend full of eating , spinning , talking and Laughing.
Thursday, Sept.11th, Jocelyn, Jill and I loaded my little Honda wagon with 2 sewing machines, two irons, one ironing board , two office chairs, two suitcases, cutting mats and rulers, table extension, 2 bottles of wine ,1 bottle of Carolines, 1 bottle of Fireball , makings for tea and coffee, table raisers, 2 quilting tool boxes, 1 box of donuts, 1 box of home made muffins, 2 project bags plus 3 people with large purses. Headed out to Rosemary Heights, stopped for lunch at a Mexican Restaurant, then drove to the retreat and unloaded all the above mentioned items. My daughter , Jill, who was taking my car for the weekend was heard to say "Dad can pick them up. I am not loading all the stuff again." Guess who got to pick us up and help load stuff??? Mind you she didn't have to load the alcohol or the food but we did have Shelby this time so there were 4 of us in the car.
I can't believe it..... no photos of the quilting retreat. Hopefully Lisa and Tracey will share theirs with me. I have been falling down in the photo department lately .................. badly......... I need to get battery charger and batteries.
I made a table runner that now needs quilting, did some siggy blocks, put borders on my sons quilt, sandwiched my daughters' quilts, started a pumpkin quilt .................. Yes I know I said I wasn't going to start any new projects but I DON'T have an Oct. wall hanging,....... I DIDN'T have a pattern for it,......... had to RELY ON MY MEMORY of a quilt I saw in a shop ........ ALL THE FABRICS CAME OUT OF MY STASH...... Who would think I would have 9 different orange fabrics and it is not even close to my favorite colour.......................... Is that enough justification for starting a new project?????????????.......... if not how about I made the rule about no new projects so I changed the rule to read 'no new projects except the Oct. wall hanging'. You always need to ask "Who made that rule?"
We all had a great time and got many things done. Lisa double booked herself again so only stayed Thursday night and morning. Margaret had things happening in her life so was only able to come for Saturday. Those two need to get things better organized as I really miss not seeing them. All told we had 11 people and a great time. Lots of food, quilting, show and tell, and laughter. I had 2 finished UFOs to show.
You really need to try what Inge calls "Fruit" ......................... we all got our share of 'Fruit" on this retreat . Fruit= home made blackberry liqueur. WOW is that yummy............... we told her just to bring fruit next retreat........never mind the snacks.
Home on the Sunday and boy was I tired.
Monday morning woke with a head ache........... after 3 days of this headache I went to the Doc as I was beginning to think I had a sinus infection. I was RIGHT ............ antibiotics and nasal spray..... for 2 weeks. Told him I had to be better for the spinning retreat.
Monday, October 8th, Thanksgiving dinner was at my daughters as she likes to cook and I am getting tired of doing all the big family gatherings. We had a great time and wonderful food.................... Turkey, stuffing , gravy, mashed potatoes, yams, broccoli, carrots, corn , brussel sprouts, ambrosia salad, cabbage salad, home made cranberry sauce, buns, cornbread , apple and pumpkin pies...................... great meal.
Tuesday, Oct 9th.......... Guild spin-in at Knitopia's new shop in Langley ................ lots of lovely yarn but Lynn wouldn't let us buy anything as the store was closed. We were only there for spinning. We have several vendors in our guild so she was not going to take advantage of a captive audience by selling anything. Now I have a good reason to go back .......... LOL ........ do I really need a reason to go to a wool or fabric shop .............................. Not.
Again I didn't take any photos.
Spinning retreat, Oct. 12th .......... Friday morning Gail and Sharon stop by to pick me up. We load my spinning chair and wheel, bag containing fibre, kniddy-knoddy, and ball winder, suitcase and large purse with books, sock knitting, and scarf yarn. Spinning retreats don't require as much baggage as quilting retreats ......................Thank goodness. Part way to Cache Creek we open the lunch that Gail made (we originally were supposed to each bring our own lunch)........................ egg sandwiches, brownies, apples and bottles water. It is so nice to be spoilt. We arrive at the retreat and unload our things.... get settled in our rooms and go to the spinning room. Lots of hugs from people I haven't seen in ages. So nice to see every one.
I am spinning some multicoloured turquoisey fibre bought at last years retreat and some silk I had dyed green two years ago.
Every once in a while I get up and walk around to chat and see what every one else is doing. I need to move every so often and I am nosey. Show and tell Friday night ............. WOW .............. what a talented group of people. I hope Gail or Lynne got photos of all the show and tell. What an inspiration all those projects were. Speaking of inspiration how about this for socks??
All socks were hand knit and most of them were hand-spun. That is me in the very bright skirt. Sheila has nick-named me "SHE WHO WILL NOT BE NOTICED". Everyone was given a free book donated by the family of a former spinner, plus there were magazines for the taking. Saturday we did the gift exchange. I received some bright pink wool and a drop spindle. I am going to make the wool into a cushion for my spinning chair.
We had 4 vendors.............................. with a lot of yummy fibery things. I was very tempted by a lot of things but only purchased a small amount of dyed mohair locks and some fuschia pink mohair to go with the turquoise I was spinning to brighten it up.
I need to take some photos of my spinning to post here.*
Sunday after lunch we have to pack up and go home. I could have used one more day but ................. now I will look forward to the next retreat.
The food was delicious. What a weekend full of eating , spinning , talking and Laughing.
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