Well the last two weeks have been very busy. Nov.1st I made two ........ yes.... 2 trips to Langley. I went over in the morning to pick up Bill's cheque and drop off his invoices................. but He forgot to give me the invoices. Apparently the invoices had to be there that day so I agreed to take them before I went knitting at the LYS. I told him he was on his own for dinner as I was going over early to miss the rush hour traffic. Had a lovely afternoon shopping........ after I dropped the invoices off ................. found some older Handwoven Magazines in the Value Village. Went out to dinner with myself.......... enjoyed the company. Then it was knitting night at Knitopia so I meet Gail and Sharon there. Worked on the boring socks and my bright socks. I bought some wild yarn for socks for me ............ it was just calling and calling my name all evening ............I held out as long as I could ....... I really did .......... but finally had to give in and buy it.
Thursday Bill picked up his new truck....2006 red dodge pick up, crew cab, short box, 4X4, 6 cylinder gas engine........ don't remember the rest of the information.
Friday .... quilting with the Jackie, Ellen and Helen at a 'Great Notion' in Abbotsford.
Saturday , I don't recall what I did....... nothing terrible exciting.
Sunday I started to go to the Guild sale to Demo spinning but my car started heating up. I just reached the outskirts of Maple Ridge and had to let it cool off before I could turn around and go home. The fan motor had quit.............. darn darn darn no guild sale , no spinning.............. well that is not entirely true . I did some spinning at home ............ bright pink merino.
Monday and Tuesday were not terrible exciting. Wednesday night was sock knitting at the Cafe/pool hall with Sharon , Gail, Laura and Kathy.
Thursday I went on a trip with Bill. He had an ' Over-length Load' to escort to the BC / Alta border. Packed clothes, pills, books, sandwiches and knitting to take. Forgot to take our pillows. The ones in the motel were very soft, very small and very, very flat. We meet the truck at the US border and followed him to Merritt. Went to bed at 11:00 when we got in and got up at 6:00 . The load was so heavy he was only able to do 20 km going up some of the hills.
On the road at 7:00 and drove to Blue River........... gassed up the truck, had a pee break, back in the trucks and off again ........... 1:59 p.m. we arrived at the border ......... Trucker signed the invoice ....... Bill puts the sign on the truck down ..... we turn around and head for home. One thing about the trip home is we could stop for a pee break any time we wanted.
It is unbelievable what some drivers will do. This one car thought the trucker should give way to him when he wanted on the highway. Now this truck we travelled with was somewhere between 96 and 115 feet long. The load was a transformer but I don't know how much it weighted other than an awful lot. One fool pasted us on a double solid line on a curve.............. brainless. Enough of this. We arrived home at 1:00a.m. and I went to bed. DH said he had to unwind a bit so he watched TV for a while.
Today I paid for my quilting course and went to the wool shop to drool. Had a visit with Ann and bought a ball of "Opal" yarn that was on sale................. yes I know I didn't really need it but I really wwwwwwwaaaaaannnnted it............... So much yarn so little money. LOL ................ like I don't have a trunk full of hand-spun and 4 or 5 good size boxes of commercial yarn. I need to photograph all of it for Ravelry.
My bright socks are now finished and the boring ones are close to finished.
Well, you certainly had a fun-filled couple of weeks!! the socks are wonderful - I hope you don't give them away.