That same night DGD Shelby's half sister Justine (same father) had a baby girl by C-section. Mother and baby Avery Marie are both fine. The baby was 6 lbs, 11 ozs. with dark hair. We apparently are being called Great Grand Parents which is an honour.
Her she is Avery Marie.
Here are the proud parents with baby and one very pleased Aunt. Shelby asked her Mother to take her lap top to school so she could tell everyone she was an Aunt. This was her sharing day.
This is Shelby holding the baby's foot with Justine's hand under Shelby's . I thought the sizes were sweet.
Here I am with the three half sisters and the new baby. There are two very proud Aunt's in this photo.
I need to get busy and put her quilt together. I have the blocks done but not put together so I need to get my rear in gear. DH wants to wait and see what they don't get that they need.............. did that make sense. I have only had 1/2 a cup of coffee and it is 7:15 so I may not be awake yet. I know one thing ..............I can't type worth a darn.
I have made a tour of the second hand stores looking for various items.
!. a hutch for the sideboard or a small china cabinet.......... no luck
2. Knitting bags- found three
3. Sweaters for the yarn - found three but one isn't very good as the yarn keep breaking. I just love the colour though.
4. Heads and zippered pillow cases for Lynn- found one head
Michael's had a sale coupon for 25% off your entire purchase including sale items so of course I had to go. Came home with more beads. I did get beads for a shawl I am doing on the Slow-Bee-mystery so that was good. Also got some findings for more stitch markers ......................... not that I think my knitting group needs any more but they are fun to make and I seem to use a lot of them with the lace knitting.
DH went back to work on Monday so he is happier. He forgot to take one of his medications this past week so has been very sore and rather grumpy.
I talked to my DS on Sunday and he is well but working 12 hour days, 7 days so I won't go out to see him until this job is finished. I think he said it would be done the end of May. He is pleased as he is able to catch up the bills, etc.
Jamie (DD, Jill's boyfriend) was playing a video game and not doing well. When Shelby heard him say "Oh crap" her comment was" I would have said Horse dump".
Shelby and I were sharing my MP3 player when "Mack the Knife" came on. Taking the ear-phone out she looked at me and said " GRANDMA do you listen to this . ITS LAST CENTURY"
I can't think of any more news so I will sign off and go get another cup of coffee.