I had this horrible dream last night or was it this morning.................... I had to go somewhere with Cory and her girl friend..... we had to leave in a hurray and I didn't have a mindless knitting project I could grab to take with me .................. AAAAAUUGGGHHHHHHH . All I had was lace projects that reguired concentration and quiet............... No time to grab needles and yarn ......................... how was I going to survive the trip?????? About that time I woke up and got up. I need to put some mindless knitting in bags with needles ready to grab at a moments notice. I wonder if this has anything to do with me having finished my car knitting and not replaced it with another project. Whille I am at it I should get out some cotton dishcloth yarn. I have the yarn our for the green monkey but am not in a green monkey knitting mood yet.
Dish cloths are mindless knitting time to get that organized. I wonder how mindless a green monkey is????
Yesterday I went quilting at Jocelyn's, Inge was there but none of the others came. I have two "Dear Jane " blocks partially done. I started the first one , pieced it together, appliqued one diamond on and then I looked at it ........................... OKAY I don't know what that shape is but it is NOT a diamond............... rip it off and go to another block. It was obviously not an applique day.
Today I HAVE to do some housework. The dishes are piling up but there is a problem. The sink is not draining ........... have to get Bill to bring the trusty plunger and help me unclog the drain........ Years ago we lived in a house where the water didn't run in so we had to haul water then later we lived in a trailer where the water didn't run out. Of the two it is worse to not have the water run out.......................... how do you get rid of it?????? ........................BAIL................that just doesn't get it all out so you have to sop it up with dish cloths ..................... what a nightmare [but not as bad as no knitting]