Last week was Springbreak for DGD and one day Jill, Shelby and I went to see "The Quilt of Belonging". If you ever have a chance to see it GO................................. the book doesn't do it justice ................ the vibrant colours , the exquisite workmanship. What an absolutely wonderful experience. Here is a link to the website so you can get an inkling of what I am talking about.
This quilt is 120 feet (36 metres) by 10 feet (3 metres) with 263 individual patches. Words do just not describe it.
Then my income tax return came so we decided it was time for Charlie to have his eyes fixed. He has something they call "Cherry eye". The tear ducts come up above the lower lid and need to be stitched back in place............................. so I phone the Vet and book the surgery. Thery are going to clean his teeth at the same time. Saturday comes ............ da da da dah (scary music in case you didn't recognize it).............. off Charlie and I go to the Vet's for 12:30............................. I fill out the necessary forms, tearfully put Charlie in a kennel ................OH MY GOSH................... this is worse than when I had to go for surgery.......................... It is almost like taking one of your children in for surgery................ more kleenex on my way out. Have to do the shopping for tonight's dinner. John and Jackie are coming for dinner and we are doing a fondue at Johns's request. Half way through the afternoon the Vet's office phones ................ Charlie is fine........... okay I worry a little less but not much. His surgery is at 6:30. Okay I can handle this (worry, worry). John and Jackie have 5 dogs at the moment so they fully understand my worrying.
Dinner goes well, we have a good visit. About 8:30 the vet Phones ...................... the surgery is over and Charlie is fine....... I can come and get him in the morning. John and Jackie go home about 10:00. I worry some more before going to bed.
Next morning I phone the Vet ................... when can I get Charlie....................sbout 11:30. Okay drink coffee, have breakfast, worry a little, more coffee. At 11:00 I get dressed and head off to the Vet's.
Charlies looks awful................................. his eyes are red and it looks like the tear ducks protrude even more. I want to cry but Charlie is so happy to see me he is trying to jump up, trying to rub against me and making the funny little noises that mean where have you been and I am so glad you are back. The Vet says to his assistant:" Now I understand why she (meaning me) was so upset. He is such an affectionate dog."
There is a cone around Charlie's neck and he has had 4 teeth removed. One of them was abcessed so he is on antibiotics 2X a day and some cream for his eyes 4 times a day. The Vet said it would be three weeks before his eyes are back to normal as they had to do a lot of work. Apparently they made a pockets to stitch the tearducts into as just stitching them down was not going to work well. His eyes still look very red and sore and I want to cry when I see them but Charlie seems okay. Sleeping a little more than usual and very happy to have me put the cream on his eyes.
Sunday the family came for dinner and we had lots of food and a great visit. Cory and Aaron brought their dogs as I forgot to tell them about Charliebut it worked out okay. Aaron requested slippers so that is great. Now I have some one to make those felted clog slippers for.............. that is poor grammer.......... what is the correct way to say that.......Now I have someone for whom I can make those felted clog slippers.
Welll on a crafting note I have finished my "Luna Moth Shawl". Here it is drying. I used about 680 yards of fingering weight Shetland Wool. This is some of the wool I dyed during the Olympics using Wilton food dyes.
In 2 weeks it is the "Desert Mesa retreat" must finish that plying I have to do and figure out something for the gift exchange.
Two weeks after that is the quilting retreat. April is a busy month and now May and June are starting to fill up. Life is good..
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