YES I know I could go commando and dress up but I really don't like dressing up unless I have somewhere to go. I am going to Wednesday night Knit night at the Pool Hall but that is hardly something you dress up for ........... So I am doing laundry.
It is raining again today and wonder of wonders I DON"T MIND............. The heat and the poor air quality have been getting me down. The rain has cleared the air and is watering the new planets my DD gave me. I really have trouble remembering to water things.I actually have 6 indoor plants that have survived for about 10 years now despite my neglect................. This is absolutely amazing. I do a little better with outdoor plants but not a lot some days. You know the garden I was going to plant this year .................... wweeeeeelllllll ................ I think it is waiting until next year. I guess I could still plant radishes and lettuce and maybe carrots ...............................
Knitting -------hum -------- the shawl pattern I am testing is going along slowly because this fool make a mistake and then couldn't seem to fix it right so 6 rows later............ yes I counted every painful row that had to be ripped out. Any way I am back on track and past the point I started ripping. The Bag Kal that I figured I could keep up with is BEHIND........I was finished part one in a day. Part two I started after part 3 came out, I now am 1/3 of the way through part 3 and today part 4 comes out. It is a fun pattern to knit and as you use two strands of bulky yarn it goes much faster than the cob web lace knitting. Hopefully I can catch up on part . it would be nice to finish a KAL on time for once
The socks I am calling "I don't like these colours" have become the car knitting socks and the next pair I plan to start will be with the hand painted yarn from Gail and the pattern on the front of the book "Knitting socks from hand painted yarns" .
DH and I were supposed to do some things together today and go out for lunch. NO GO................. He got called to work and then he got another trip after that. It is nice because we can sure use the money but on the other hand there goes our day together. After weeks of maybe one trip a week he has had 4 trips already this week.
Spinning - well I am not keeping up with the TOUR DE FLECCE but I am getting more spinning done than usual. I plied my green BFL with a commercial rayon and I don't think I like it ............... DARN DARN DARN .......... It feels a bit scratchy for a shawl. I was going to make the Dragon shawl with it but will have to see if it is nicer after I wash it. I am almost finished spinning my merino/silk braid. Now to decide if I will ply it on it self or ply it with something else.............. decisions.........decisions............decisions.
Well I have no photos today or do I hhhhhhhuuuuuuummmmmm
This is the Merino/Silk I am spinning.
This is a poor colour photo of my BFL with the rayon.
My finished "They are nice Grandma but I wouldn't wear them" socks
I have just had a bathroom break and decided while I was in there that I might as well have my shower and wash my hair. Then I actually got dressed. After all it is only 2:45 pm and I did have to get dressed at some point today.
More laundry is washing and drying .................. I am drinking a luke warm cup of coffee as usual ............ I think I am developing ADD ............... I am so easily distracted. Fortunately several of my dearest friends are in various medical professions:- two Physical Therapists, One Occupational Therapist and one Neuropsychologist.
Well I think the Rivers of Babbleon have flowed enough for today. So have a great day and hugs to you all.
Hi... how has the riding been going? We need to get together and have a play date. How is the 24th of the month. Where you thinking of fabric paper or real paper. I would like to make a batch of homemade paper for some journals that I would like to make. We haven't started tearing apart the house just yet but should be in construction in the next week or two. Just about everything else is ready to go. Actually I would like to make some more paper fabric as well. My thought are mixed up tonight.