Well it is time to update this blog and I have a lot to say. October 15th Gail and I headed to Cache Creek for the Desert mesa retreat, which is hosted by Sheila and Donna............. see the photo below.
These are the hosts of the retreat.............. our fearless leaders. They have to be fearless to be photographed wearing those hats ................... right!!!The following photos are pictures of some of the show and tell at the retreat. There are many talented women in the group as you can see.

Toni modeling the shawl Sheila made for her. It is the Peacock pattern but I am having a senior moment and can't remember by whom the pattern was written.

Some of the spinners and some of the different wheels.

The retreat ended on Sunday after much laughter, shopping at the vendors (four of them) and great company plus I did a whole bunch of spinning. In fact I spun almost everything I planned to do.
The retreat centre is now run by 4 Monks from the Phillipines. They had only been in Canada 3 or 4 months and were suffering a bit of culture shock. The Senior Monk, Father (I don't remember his name which is okay as I can't spell it anyway) told Sheila that he was amazed that there were 45 widows interested in spinning. Sheila laughted and said some of the women were widows but most were still married. He wanted to know who was home taking care of their Husbands....................... see what I mean about CULTURE SHOCK.......................LOL
The food was interesting as they served rice at every meal including breakfast. I guess it is a staple in their country like bread is in ours. It was good food though, mind you Gail said they could feed her peanut butter sandwiches for every meal and she would be happy as long as she didn't have to make them.
Sunday it was all over and after lunch everyone went home. Many hugs before we all left.
Monday was Shelby's Birthday and we went to Appleby's for dinner, complaints of DD, Cory.
Cory's friend Alaina and her son joined us for dinner. He had ribs............... can you tell????

Alaina after the waitress dropped her dessert down her back.

Jill and Shelby with the baby in the car seat................. can't see her? She is there sleeping in her car seat honest.

Shelby hanging on to her tickets to see Justin Bieber. Her Mom tool her on Tuesday. The tickets were from the whole family.

Shelby in the new outfit Cory bought for her to were to the concert.

So I unpack from the spinning retreat and pack for the Quilting retreat. You wouldn't
believe the stuff you have to take for a quilting weekend. I had books, projects, sewing machine, rulers, mats, snacks, wine, and clothes. Gail suggested I just go in my PJ's and not take any clothes at all. Fortunately I didn't follow her suggestion because we were told no PJ's at breakfast because there was a pastors retreat. Like they haven't seen women in PJ's. In fact my PJ' cover more than my clothes. The Father at the spinning retreat told me I looked like a Fairy in my long white flannel night gown.
This is Jocelyn who is always cold.

Inge makes the most amazing paper pieced blocks

Carol pausing for a photo.

Brigit being Tinkerbelles Grandmother and blessing all of us.

Margaret's Birthday Cake

Tracey's beautiful Cat quilt that taxed her brain.

Lisa finally finished her quilt for her Husband except for the binding. Margaret on the left and Lisa on the right.

This is the back of the quilt.

Tracey showing of the top of the wedding quilt for her son and his wife. She had the guest write on the white pieces. The pink, green and burgundy in the background is the backing for a quilt I am doing. I am just joining random pieces and it isn't working as well as I would like ..................

I won a door prize............... $15 at Wineberries, so I got this pattern that I really liked. Their fabric is getting more expensive all the time. Fifteen dollars won't even buy a metre of fabric.

I got 2 wonderful wee sock swap parcels. This one was from Gayle in Madison WI

This one was from Darcy in California.

This week I am looking after the newest granddaughter every morning. Usually she looks like this but ......................................

Some times she looks like this....

Well I think that updates everything .