I am trying to do the second slipper from the pattern
"Felt Clogs" by Fiber trends. I started the sole four times and the numbers did not come out right. I asked Doris and Gail if they had trouble when we were at Knit Night. Then I came home are read the pattern , including how to do the increases...........................DUH............ no wonder it wasn't working. I was doing kfb instead of picking up thread between sts............................. OKAY I am happily knitting away and every thing is fine. OR SO I THINK ........................... dun dun dun (scary music) ........................ I go to change colour and there are two strands together in the lighter blue ............................... OH SH@#$^T.
I read the pattern AGAIN and sure enough I am supposed to be using 2 strand of yarn ..... YES TWO................. NOT ONE BUT TWO!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH ........................ I need to do it AGAIN. Maybe the fifth time I cast on I will get it right. I want to have this done before Monday ........... next Monday that is Oct. 11, 2010
Want to see how big these are before felting????

I want to felt them when the family is here for Thanksgiving so my Son-in-law can see how big they are before I felt them and let him take them home.
Well time to try the slippers again. I have 2 DGD here one happy one and one who will never like me again. Their Mother and a friend are moving furniture in the living room and it is much easier with no dog and no kids under foot. Shelby wants to go home and is not happy with me
at all because I won't take her there.
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