Well I am trying this again. I find I am quicker with DP needles but I am testing this pattern for a lady on Ravelry and the pattern is toe up, and has sea things in it. So I am knitting 2 socks on 2 circular needles inside out. Yes you read that right INSIDE OUT This means I purl instead of knit but that is fine. Inside out you say ...................... why would anyone do that .................... well when you are doing fairisle type knitting in the round if you knit it inside out the yarn is loose enough so you can get the socks on. I think this is a very important point ........................ who wants to knit socks you can't get on. I did that once................ not intentionally.................. I made these beautiful fancy turkish style socks and couldn't get them over my instep............... yes I have a high instep, wide foot........................ but Turkish sock have a differnt style heel and the sock didn't have any give so it WOULDN"T GO ON MY FOOT. They decorated the wall until I found someone with a skinny foot that could wear these socks.
I want to knot ( that should read KNIT, who wants knotted socks) both socks at the same time so the pattern is the same on both. Normally this is not an issue for me or maybe I should say having identical socks is an issue as I prefer fraternal socks and earrings. Not that earrings have anything to do with this but I just thought I should add that. ( You never know when someone may take it into their head to buy you earrings.)
Oh yes I couldn't find the colour of yarn I wanted for these socks so I food colour dyed two skeins of white. They are now aqua. I found green, blue ,pink, red and orange in my stash.
THE ROOM actually has a floor and I am filling the recycling bin with paper. If it is blank on one side it goes for the printer. Doris has a neice who is starting to sew so I am going to give her some fabric and other sewing stuff that I am parting with. I still have to decrease the pattern section of my room as everything will not fit in the space I have allowed. I was feeling so proud of myself that I had all this floor space and then I looked at the other end of the room. THEN I turned around and walked OUT OF THE ROOM.
This is mostly about the crafts I am doing in my retirement but with the odd comment about family and friends.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Friday, 28 August 2009
Update time
I checked to see when I last wrote on this blogand it was Sunday. Time , I thought to myself to write again ............... only one problem. I CAN"T THINK OF ANY THING TO SAY. Will try again later.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
actually has some room. I have been sorting binders and magazine holders for at least a week or is it TWO ...................... who would have thought there was that much to sort............................. Well that would be anyone who has ever seen THE ROOM. Anyway I am almost done with that............... now if everything fits in the area designated for it that portion will be done. I do hate to say it but I may have to get more ruthless and get rid of more STUFF...................... soon I am going to need a tall person to come over and take boxes off the top shelves. I don't want to climb the ladder as my right knee is bothering me. Believe it or not I am feeling really good about THE ROOM now and may have it sorted by the end of the month. OOOOPS .......SORRY.....were you sitting down when you read that????
CREDIT FOR THIS HAPPENING BELONGS TO LISA as she came and helped me get the deck cleared off so I have a place to sort STUFF. THANK YOU LISA ..... THE QUEEN OF ORGANIZATION.................
The thingy that downloads my camera to the computer is broken, DH took it to get it fixed ..................... he PUT IT IN HIS TRUCK .................It maybe lost forever. The new camera we got for Christmas does movies and stills but it is not compatible with the Mac computer....................... where will I find a space to set up the PC. Maybe I can locate one of those drying racks that hang from the ceiling and rig that up for the PC............ lower it to the cutting table when I want to use it and put it up by the ceiling when I don't.
I realloy would like to put photos on my blog ...................... I may have to dig up some old ones...
I decided I needed to knit something I could finish in a day so I made a felted bowl from the book "Oneskein" by Leigh Radford. I would like to be able to put links in my blog but I don't know how to do that. Now I am making another bigger bowl of my own design. This one is light grey and dark brown The first one was yellow and dark brown.
Time to go work on the room. May do some spinning later.
CREDIT FOR THIS HAPPENING BELONGS TO LISA as she came and helped me get the deck cleared off so I have a place to sort STUFF. THANK YOU LISA ..... THE QUEEN OF ORGANIZATION.................
The thingy that downloads my camera to the computer is broken, DH took it to get it fixed ..................... he PUT IT IN HIS TRUCK .................It maybe lost forever. The new camera we got for Christmas does movies and stills but it is not compatible with the Mac computer....................... where will I find a space to set up the PC. Maybe I can locate one of those drying racks that hang from the ceiling and rig that up for the PC............ lower it to the cutting table when I want to use it and put it up by the ceiling when I don't.
I realloy would like to put photos on my blog ...................... I may have to dig up some old ones...
I decided I needed to knit something I could finish in a day so I made a felted bowl from the book "Oneskein" by Leigh Radford. I would like to be able to put links in my blog but I don't know how to do that. Now I am making another bigger bowl of my own design. This one is light grey and dark brown The first one was yellow and dark brown.
Time to go work on the room. May do some spinning later.
Friday, 14 August 2009
Wednesday morning I woke up at 5:45 ................... tooooooooo early to get up so I go back to sleep and I am having this really weird dream. There are several people in the dream but one particularly nasty man. He is saying all sorts of derogatory things about the children so I knocked the wine glass out of his hand (he poured this himself without being invited) and told him to get out of my house. I said if he ever came back I would punch him square in the mouth. Now those of you who know me realize that I don't hit people. Well later in the dream this guy comes back and I line myself up and start punching him. The dog is barking and there is yelling and I can't move my arms .............................. DH is saying "WAKE UP!!... KAREN ...... WAKE UP" .................... He is holding my wrists and doesn't let them go until he is sure I am awake.................................
I had punched him right in the head ................................... I couldn't believe I had done that.................... he said he wasn't hurt but I don't know that I believed him as my hand hurt. He said " I have told you not to hit any one in the head .... you will only hurt your hand. Then Wednesday night I apparently was kicking him in my sleep ........................ he did sleep with me again last night but said he may have to put some sort of barrier in between us to protect himself if I keep beating on him .................... He is still asleep so I don't know if I am sleeping on the couc tonight or not !!!!!!!
I realized I hadn't posted the photo of the felted bag I made. The two shades of red yarn are recycled from a thrift store sweater.

This is some of the paper that Iris and I made earlier this month............... or was it in July ...................... the time just seems to fly by.
I had punched him right in the head ................................... I couldn't believe I had done that.................... he said he wasn't hurt but I don't know that I believed him as my hand hurt. He said " I have told you not to hit any one in the head .... you will only hurt your hand. Then Wednesday night I apparently was kicking him in my sleep ........................ he did sleep with me again last night but said he may have to put some sort of barrier in between us to protect himself if I keep beating on him .................... He is still asleep so I don't know if I am sleeping on the couc tonight or not !!!!!!!
I realized I hadn't posted the photo of the felted bag I made. The two shades of red yarn are recycled from a thrift store sweater.
This is some of the paper that Iris and I made earlier this month............... or was it in July ...................... the time just seems to fly by.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Spinny broad
My DH sometimes calls me a spinny broad and last night I really was. About 11:30 pm I bent down to pick sometime up off the floor .................... not that that is unusual in this house..................... but was really dizzy when I stood up........... that is unusual. I sat down but it wasn't much better so I decided to go to bed. I didn't tell DH as he gets all goofy about these things and would want to take me to emergency. WARNING do NOT allow him to take you to emergency unless you are dying and have no other choice.............. but that is another story. This morning I am fine and I think I know what the problem was. Yesterday was the day to fill my weekly pill holder, reminder, plastic thingy, so I did. This morning I go to take my pills and there is a BLACK one in my container ............ in fact there is SIX ................ yes SIX black pills in my container. ARRRRUUUUUGHHHHH that means that yesterday there were SEVEN black pills in my container and I swallowed one. I don't take black pills. I look very carefully at the pills......................................................... every thing is there but the Salmon Oil and there are these BLACK pills that aren't supposed to be there. THEY ARE DH's PILLS FOR HIS PROSTRATE. I don't need those ...................... I don't have a prostrate .......... How did I manage to put black pills in my container instead of the LARGE YELLOWISH CAPSULES OF SALMON OIL. They are not the same size or colour. Anyway I guess the moral of this story is DON'T TAKE YOU HUSBANDS LITTLE BLACK PILLS or you really will be a dizzy broad.
I haven't been doing much knitting or quilting because ................. are you sitting down?????????????????????
I have been working on THE ROOM. I have been going through binders of patterns and magazines. I really have. I am down 8 yes EIGHT binders so far and 16 inches of magazines. (Most of the magazines will go to our quilting group so I will still get to have access to them.) The living room and dining room are a total disaster as this is where I am sorting these things. I can't do it in THE ROOM as there is no room.
I looked at the two rooms yesterday and said this house is a mess. DH, the sweet man, looked around and said " I wouldn't say that. It's more like organized chaos." So here I am in this organized chaos with papers , binders, magazines( in and out of holders) trying very hard to downsize my patterns to something a person could do in two life-times instead of 4 life-times. Maybe one of these days I will get it down to what I can do in this lifetime but what fun would that be. Besides I would have to know when I was going to die and I don't want to know that at least not yet.
No photos again today but do you really want to see "organized chaos"?
I haven't been doing much knitting or quilting because ................. are you sitting down?????????????????????
I have been working on THE ROOM. I have been going through binders of patterns and magazines. I really have. I am down 8 yes EIGHT binders so far and 16 inches of magazines. (Most of the magazines will go to our quilting group so I will still get to have access to them.) The living room and dining room are a total disaster as this is where I am sorting these things. I can't do it in THE ROOM as there is no room.
I looked at the two rooms yesterday and said this house is a mess. DH, the sweet man, looked around and said " I wouldn't say that. It's more like organized chaos." So here I am in this organized chaos with papers , binders, magazines( in and out of holders) trying very hard to downsize my patterns to something a person could do in two life-times instead of 4 life-times. Maybe one of these days I will get it down to what I can do in this lifetime but what fun would that be. Besides I would have to know when I was going to die and I don't want to know that at least not yet.
No photos again today but do you really want to see "organized chaos"?
Thursday, 6 August 2009
YES you read that correctly WE HAVE TO LOCK UP THE GARBAGE .................... I mean we lock the house, we lock the car, we lock the truck, we lock the workshop , we lock the outside freezer and now we need to lock the garbage.NOT BECAUSE SOMEONE WILL STEAL IT BUT BECAUSE OF BEARS. The city has sent out a notice saying people in certain areas need to lock the container or put them in a secure BEAR resistant garage or shed. I haven't seen any bears here but apparently there has been one several blocks away by the river............ so now we have to lock up our garbage. When the garbage strike was on many years ago, DH used to wrap his garbage up in gift paper and leave it on the seat in his car with the window open ......................... someone always stole that but garbage out of the bin????????????................ I guess it is appealing if you are a bear.
Well Tuesday Jill and I drove to the Kelowna exit on the Coquihalla highway to drop DGD off with her Dad and Grandma Pat. She is supposed to stay 2 weeks so we will see if she lasts that long.
Last week the heat and the air quality almost did me in but this week it is cooler and things aren't as bad. Let's see I have been sorting through my patterns for various things and have been ruthless in getting rid of stuff ..................... well I have been with some things. The sock patterns didn't see much thinning................. but some other things did. I have emptied five ...................... yes 5 binders. I have a binder of dish cloth patterns that I am going to see if someone wants. Other things have gone in the re-cycling or if the paper is only printed on one side it goes into the printer........................ I really am trying to recycle. I am also cheap.............. or should I say economical!!!!!!!
I have finished my Swallow Tail shawl. No photo to show you as the thingy that transfers the pictures from the camera to the computer is broken. It wasn't broken when I put it away but it is now. I don't know where the broken bit is but something isn't working . ................. therefore NO photos................ boring I know.
I have been doing some spinning and have started another pair of socks. This weekend is the SOCK SUMMIT in Portland but I am not going. Knotions on line is having special sock patterns etc for those of us that didn't get to go.
Didn't ride my bike last week because of the heat and poor air quality. I don't know what my excuse is for this week.
Well Tuesday Jill and I drove to the Kelowna exit on the Coquihalla highway to drop DGD off with her Dad and Grandma Pat. She is supposed to stay 2 weeks so we will see if she lasts that long.
Last week the heat and the air quality almost did me in but this week it is cooler and things aren't as bad. Let's see I have been sorting through my patterns for various things and have been ruthless in getting rid of stuff ..................... well I have been with some things. The sock patterns didn't see much thinning................. but some other things did. I have emptied five ...................... yes 5 binders. I have a binder of dish cloth patterns that I am going to see if someone wants. Other things have gone in the re-cycling or if the paper is only printed on one side it goes into the printer........................ I really am trying to recycle. I am also cheap.............. or should I say economical!!!!!!!
I have finished my Swallow Tail shawl. No photo to show you as the thingy that transfers the pictures from the camera to the computer is broken. It wasn't broken when I put it away but it is now. I don't know where the broken bit is but something isn't working . ................. therefore NO photos................ boring I know.
I have been doing some spinning and have started another pair of socks. This weekend is the SOCK SUMMIT in Portland but I am not going. Knotions on line is having special sock patterns etc for those of us that didn't get to go.
Didn't ride my bike last week because of the heat and poor air quality. I don't know what my excuse is for this week.
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