Thursday, 2 August 2007


Well we are in more chaos than usual. Not only have I been cleaning and sorting my craft room and our bedroom but I am making Bill sort his tools and STUFF. After all they were all over everywhere after cleaning up after the flood.
We were going to have a garage sale last Sunday so of course that is the only day it rains in two weeks. We are going to try again this weekend. At the moment there is STUFF in boxes every where. Why do we collect stuff? I mean how much STUFF do we really need. We were even saving things incase someone else needed them. I mean really they (whoever they are) can save their own STUFF.
I have more patterns, fabric, and wool than I can use in this life time. At least that is what DH and the Kids claim, Me, I am not sure about that. I may live to be 150 right.............
DH has all kinds of power tools and other tools. He can't do much of that anymore but he still has to have tools just in case. My Father, who never built or fixed anything, never had just one of any tool but usually three. AHA that is the explanation ...... the collecting STUFF gene is hereditary ........... All of this is my DDs fault.

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