We stopped in Hope and had coffee ( and a double chocolate fudge brownie) Then we had to stop at the bead shop, then the toy shop, We were going to the "Betty Boop shop " but it was getting late and we would miss too much spinning time so we headed out.
Along the way we passed this car on the side of the road. "Was that Jude's car?" "I don't know, what should we do" "No bars on the phone" " We better go back and check." So Gail makes a U turn on the highway and we head back towards Hope. "OH look is that Jude passing in the other direction?" No car at the side of the road so another U turn and we are headed for Cache Creek. Along the way this is what we see......................
We arrive safely at the retreat and I have finished one fingerless glove from my latest handspun yarn.......... unload the truck and go in. Most people are there and Lynne has saved us seats either side of her. Hello's and hugs to every one ............. it is so good to see every one.
Gail and I.
Sheila looks great and is a crazy as ever but no more so than the rest of us. Just time left to put clothes and pillows in the bedrooms before dinner. After dinner we check out the vendors ......................... oooooooohhhhhhhhh yummy stuff .................. but I DON"T need anything ................................. someone says "It isn't about NEED" .......................... Oh look there is one of the books on my wish list .........................I could buy this after all I was planning to get it one day ..... OH DEAR!!........ I think my hand is stuck in this bag!!!!!!!!! Sharon says " shall I start you a tab?"......... and you thought that only happened in the bar didn't you.
Time to do some spinning and talk................... believe it or not I can do both those things at the same time. About 9:00 Gail and Lynne go to bed not me .....I might miss something. At 11:00 I put aside my green BFL and call it a night. I have a whole room to myself. I never have a whole room to myself. It feels strange but nice.
Morning, 7:25 and I head for the coffee pot still in my PJs. Two cups later go get dressed before breakfast and then it is upstairs to do more spinning, visiting and shopping. A great day, I purchase some lovely fibre (photos later) After lunch it is "Show and Tell" oh my goodness what gorgeous things and wonderful creations................. I am inspired. At 4:00 Gail and I decide if we have a nap we could stay up late and spin. (That one hour nap and we stayed up until 1:00). Dinner at 5:00 , time for a walk so off we go through the hedge. Gift exchange at 7:00 ...............I get a lovely braid of merino and silk in colours I love.
Socks, socks and more socks.
I had to buy another book............................... really I JUST HAD TOO. It was calling my name............,. I now own "Fabulous Felted Bags" by Nicky Epstein.
Sunday I didn't bother to get dressed for breakfast. More spinning and more fibre glommed on to my hand and just clung there. What could I do ???.............. I had to buy it.
Door prize time and everyone got one. Mine was more fibre in colours I really love ................ bright and in your face.
Oh yes I must tell you about poor Anul Likit........... I took her to guard my spinning wheel and Tony kept stepping on her. Thankfully she survived the abuse.
But I must tell you the most wonderful thing of all .................. Sheila gave me my Birthday shawl that she made for me.. It is agorgeous, deep red, rectangular shawl that is very cuddly an soft. I love it and Sheila, she is a wonderful friend who also gave me a brick of silk to spin.
I will post more photos to morrow.
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