Dec.15 - DDs, friends and I did centerpieces.In the evening it was DH's work party.

We had a very nice dinner and I got to meet some of the people he works with.
Dec.17 - quilting but it doesn't look like the quilts will be done for Christmas
Dec.18 - shopping at Wineberries quilt shop with Margaret. We both had won $25 gift certificates at our quilting retreat. Margaret bought fabric. I will put in a photo of what I bought. Margaret and I had a good time together. We need to get together more often but she still has to work so it is hard.

Dec 19 - Knit and sew at home . Granddaughters over for supper.

Dec 20 - Molly and I went to this Japanese shop in Richmond where everything is $2 . There was lots of neat stuff but I tried to restrict myself to things I needed for Christmas gifts. I am going to go again one of these days. Molly was looking for a Buddha that is standing on money but we didn't find one except in this one Chinese shop and it was way out of the price range. Got some nice tea in this little restaurant/shop. if we asked about a tea the lady would make a small pot and give us some in a shot glass size of cup to try.
Dec. 21 - Brianne's Birthday
Dec. 24 Bill went to the dentist. All was quiet at our house. Neither of us felt like it was Christmas so I sat up and listened to Christmas Carols on the TV. It felt a little more like Christmas after that.
Dec 25 - IT'S SNOWING .............. VBG ........... it is really starting to feel like Christmas. The snow only managed to cover the ground and then it melted so everyone was happy.
What did I get for Christmas ; we got a gift certificate for Chapters, a musical globe (to add to the collection) and a house for the Christmas village,a Tassimo coffee maker, a bathroom book and new photos of each of the DGDs. I got a bobbin winder, cotton yarn for dish cloths, cochet cotton that I think was what DH was given when he asked for lace yarn,and three CDs of romantic music from DH, three dragons from DD, dragon jewelry and a yoga kit with mat, ball and strap from the other DD. Inge dropped of a quilting calender yesterday. All in all I did very well.
Dec. 26 - Jill and I went shopping. I can't believe I did that but it wasn't bad and we got some good buys.
Dec.27 - Our 38th wedding Anniversary. Family came for dinner and Shelby opened her Christmas presents. Shel had gone to her fathers for Christmas.

Dec 29 - The girls came over at 10:00 and we packed everything in Jill's car, met Cory on the ferry and headed to Grans (MIL). Ferry lands the car won't start, so they jump start the car and off we go. About 10 miles later we stop so I can change seats with Cory who is crying because she is so crowded in the back and very sore because of her back. Off we go again ... Half way to Arbutus Ridge the car dies, so the girls and I push it off the roadway. DH can't push so he has to drive. We made Shelby stay in the car so she was 'mad as a wet hen' because she didn't get to push the car. She got out and tried to push it herself and actually managed to rock the car. She is 7. After much complaining on her part about not being able to help we decide that the car NEEDED to be a little closer to the edge of the road so Shelby got to help push. Meanwhile DH has phoned his brother who comes and rescues us........ much discussion between DH , BIL, SIL and DD ......... hook up the jumper cables ................... wait for the battery to charge. They have decided it is the alternater. Time to go we all get back in our vehicles and off we go. By now it is dark so we need the lights and raining so we need the wipers all of which draw power. Finally at 5:00 we make it to Gran's, BIL goes to pick up a battery charger for us and they charge the battery. We open gifts as Shelby says "we always open gifts before dinner".

Then sit down to a traditional Christmas dinner. Lovely meal and good company over all. No issues with SIL. Time for bed and we have to go to the motel where we again plug in the charger. What a day.
Dec.30 - DH wakes up with a very sore throat, hardly able to talk. We decide that we will go back with the girls. DH doesn't want Mum to get his virus so we have a short visit and leave about 3:00 planning to catch the 4:30 ferry. Meanwhile we are driving along with the window open to keep the windshield clear.........needless to say it is COLD...... Cory keeps saying "we should have brought my van" until Jill looses it......#^$*&^%##@*&........... Peace finally ensues until we arrive in Nanimo and we run out of batttery power.....#$@$^^&^+)_________ Jill and I go shopping for battery charger cables and Cory tries to get someone to give us a jump start.
By this time we have not only missed the 4:30 ferry but also the 5:00 one...........aaaarrrrghhhh ........ The next ferry is at 7:00 and we are praying that we get on it. Finally get to the terminal and have to get another jump start................... wait 1 hour 45 minutes to get on the 7:00 ferry. Fairly peaceful trip then it is time to go. Again we need a jump start which lasts until we get off the ferry and around the corner into the underground parking about six feet from Cory's van. Thank goodness we didn't have to push the car up the slope. Cory pulls the van out.... we all (Shelby) included push Jill's car back into the parking spot............LOAD EVERYTHING INTO CORY'S VAN......pay $24 dollars to get out of the parkade .................. we are headed for home .........arrive at home and the girls leave . Peace and quiet reigns.
Dec. 31 - Bill has to go to work. The $ %&^ told dispatch he was able to work.
Jill and I get in my car and head for the ferry terminal where we charge the battery and get about half way out of the parkade. Try 15 minutes of charging and off we go just as the ferry is unloading.......... cost $15 to get out of the parkade........... My car doesn't like hills so Jill gets way ahead of me. Soon the phone rings...........Jill ...she is just past exit 18 on the freeway. I find her off to the side where I can pull along side and recharge the battery.......... managed to go 19 k................ 15 minutes later off we go again and get within about 6 blocks of home. Charge the battery again and I tell Jill go to our house as it is closer. She says "DAD said take it home and park it in backwards". I said Dad isn't here and we are going to our house it's closer. So Jill now has my car and hers is parked out in front of our house.......... New Years Eve was fun ........ Bill , Shelby and I bang on pots with wooden spoons, make a lot of noise and then go to bed. I know that one day this trip will be a funny story but not yet..........
Jan. 1 2008 - Today we went and looked at a new place as we are going to move. The place is big enough but not enough natural light. Have another place to look at on the weekend so we will see. I HATE MOVING. The landlord was over but Bill wouldn't let him in the house............. Talked to him outside with me YELLING comments thru the door.
Sounds like you had a rotten day... poor Karen...aren't families a joy...we had a friend who said "all kids should have been eaten before their bones harden"... and there were many days that i agreed with him... giggle...how come you are moving...take care hugs sheila
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a rotten day... poor Karen...aren't families a joy...we had a friend who said "all kids should have been eaten before their bones harden"... and there were many days that i agreed with him... giggle...how come you are moving...take care hugs sheila
ReplyDeleteBy the way, your family sounds a lot like mine used to be before we scattered to the four winds!! The only thing missing was the kid throwing up!
ReplyDeleteAnd, by the way, I love those socks. I'll bet Bill enjoys them too.