I took DGD to school today and I couldn't believe the traffic. I mean cars were everywhere and lined up. I try to never drive during rush hour because of the crazies who think they are entitled to be at work before anyone else. This reminds me of the traffic story in Ft. St John. I was up visiting family. Wendy and I were going to visit our sister Janice who lived a little way out of town. As we are driving down the gravel road that Janice lives on , Wendy said "I can't believe there is this much traffic" I looked at her with a VERY puzzled expression ... " What traffic? We have only had 2 cars pass us going the other way " ..................... Her reply was " Usually there is no one on this road." I guess traffic is relative but this morning was bumper to bumper, blocking intersection, someone has to let you in or you are there forever, why am I out in this traffic.,traffic"
Today my friend Molly and I are going out for lunch and then checking out the second hand shops in Maple Ridge............ there are 6 of them so we will have a good time. Mind you Molly and I have a good time no matter what we do.
I have started a pair of silk and wool socks and a pair of fingerless gloves. These are gifts so I can't post photos or give more info.
This should be a fun week. Wednesday night at the pool hall, Thursday with the Hookers , Friday sewing with Jackie, and Sunday is ABBA drunch at the Andersons.
Well I should go do some laundry or dishes or something related to house work, but if I dilly-dally on this computer long enough I won't have time before I have to go out. After all I still have some e-mail to read and I haven't been on Ravelry today so guess what I am going to do???????? ................................. VVBG
This is mostly about the crafts I am doing in my retirement but with the odd comment about family and friends.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Fun day
Iris came over this morning for our "Multi-media Group", no one else joined us but we had fun anyway. We tried different things with Angelica............. it is shiny fibres that fuse together when heated. Here are some not very good photos of what I did.

We used coins, buttons and other things to try and get the image on the agelica. It worked but doesn't show up well in the photos.

These silk flowers are in between 2 layers of angelica.

Feathers and thread with the angelica

All the stuff I did together on Bill's chair.
Now I have to figure out what I am going to do with these things I made. Gail missed out on the fun because her memory is bad.
Yesterday I was standing on the little step ladder I use in the house trying to get the crock pot off the top shelf. As I was pulling it off the shelf I thought "Oh oh I haven't got hold of the lid" This was right before the heavy glass lid landed on my head, bounced off and smash to smithereens on the floor. So there I was , standing on the ladder holding my head and saying "Yes I am alright" "Well maybe not" Bill put on his shoes, came and rescued me. There was glass all over the kitchen floor what a mess. Anyway I made soup with out the lid and the crock-pot works just fine. The lump on my head is down today and I will never have to worry about that glass lid again.
I am knitting socks for Christmas gifts and I am not sure what else I will do but time will tell.
We used coins, buttons and other things to try and get the image on the agelica. It worked but doesn't show up well in the photos.
These silk flowers are in between 2 layers of angelica.
Feathers and thread with the angelica
All the stuff I did together on Bill's chair.
Now I have to figure out what I am going to do with these things I made. Gail missed out on the fun because her memory is bad.
Yesterday I was standing on the little step ladder I use in the house trying to get the crock pot off the top shelf. As I was pulling it off the shelf I thought "Oh oh I haven't got hold of the lid" This was right before the heavy glass lid landed on my head, bounced off and smash to smithereens on the floor. So there I was , standing on the ladder holding my head and saying "Yes I am alright" "Well maybe not" Bill put on his shoes, came and rescued me. There was glass all over the kitchen floor what a mess. Anyway I made soup with out the lid and the crock-pot works just fine. The lump on my head is down today and I will never have to worry about that glass lid again.
I am knitting socks for Christmas gifts and I am not sure what else I will do but time will tell.
Saturday, 25 October 2008
There is a contest at this site. Go over and vote for her next project and you might win something
Friday, 24 October 2008
they're here!!!!
This morning my 160 Christmas siggies arrived and they are lovely. I am going to look through them carefully to see how many states they cover and what other countries. Bill and I are going to sit here and look at them all.

Here is a photo of my purchases at the Spinning retreat. Just a few things I couldn't "LIVE WITH OUT".....................VBG.
How about my hand got stuck in the bag so I had to purchase the items?? HHHHHUUUUUUUUMMMMMMM........ the house needs more insulation!!!! The colours are Bill's favorite.......... no that won't work with anyone who knows Bill. OH LETS FACE IT ................... I just wanted it....... that's all.

This is my piece from the Multi-media group. We are meeting at my house this Sunday so I will post that next week. I am not exactly sure what we are doing.

This is THE ROOM. I unpacked 2 more boxes yesterday but who can tell. There is a floor in here .............. honest there is. I have walked on it and I have witnesses. I have decided that if I do 2 boxes everyday I will eventually see results. It will be slow but definitely faster than doing nothing.
Here is a photo of my purchases at the Spinning retreat. Just a few things I couldn't "LIVE WITH OUT".....................VBG.
How about my hand got stuck in the bag so I had to purchase the items?? HHHHHUUUUUUUUMMMMMMM........ the house needs more insulation!!!! The colours are Bill's favorite.......... no that won't work with anyone who knows Bill. OH LETS FACE IT ................... I just wanted it....... that's all.
This is my piece from the Multi-media group. We are meeting at my house this Sunday so I will post that next week. I am not exactly sure what we are doing.
This is THE ROOM. I unpacked 2 more boxes yesterday but who can tell. There is a floor in here .............. honest there is. I have walked on it and I have witnesses. I have decided that if I do 2 boxes everyday I will eventually see results. It will be slow but definitely faster than doing nothing.
Monday, 20 October 2008
I am back
It was a wonderful weekend. Jill came with me to Gail's where we couldn't get in to her place so she met us at Greenfields. Jill took my car and went home while Gail and I headed for Cache Creek. Sharon was unable to come this time but maybe next year.
We stopped in Hope and had coffee ( and a double chocolate fudge brownie) Then we had to stop at the bead shop, then the toy shop, We were going to the "Betty Boop shop " but it was getting late and we would miss too much spinning time so we headed out.
Along the way we passed this car on the side of the road. "Was that Jude's car?" "I don't know, what should we do" "No bars on the phone" " We better go back and check." So Gail makes a U turn on the highway and we head back towards Hope. "OH look is that Jude passing in the other direction?" No car at the side of the road so another U turn and we are headed for Cache Creek. Along the way this is what we see......................

We arrive safely at the retreat and I have finished one fingerless glove from my latest handspun yarn.......... unload the truck and go in. Most people are there and Lynne has saved us seats either side of her. Hello's and hugs to every one ............. it is so good to see every one.

Gail and I.
Sheila looks great and is a crazy as ever but no more so than the rest of us. Just time left to put clothes and pillows in the bedrooms before dinner. After dinner we check out the vendors ......................... oooooooohhhhhhhhh yummy stuff .................. but I DON"T need anything ................................. someone says "It isn't about NEED" .......................... Oh look there is one of the books on my wish list .........................I could buy this after all I was planning to get it one day ..... OH DEAR!!........ I think my hand is stuck in this bag!!!!!!!!! Sharon says " shall I start you a tab?"......... and you thought that only happened in the bar didn't you.
Time to do some spinning and talk................... believe it or not I can do both those things at the same time. About 9:00 Gail and Lynne go to bed not me .....I might miss something. At 11:00 I put aside my green BFL and call it a night. I have a whole room to myself. I never have a whole room to myself. It feels strange but nice.
Morning, 7:25 and I head for the coffee pot still in my PJs. Two cups later go get dressed before breakfast and then it is upstairs to do more spinning, visiting and shopping. A great day, I purchase some lovely fibre (photos later) After lunch it is "Show and Tell" oh my goodness what gorgeous things and wonderful creations................. I am inspired. At 4:00 Gail and I decide if we have a nap we could stay up late and spin. (That one hour nap and we stayed up until 1:00). Dinner at 5:00 , time for a walk so off we go through the hedge. Gift exchange at 7:00 ...............I get a lovely braid of merino and silk in colours I love.

Socks, socks and more socks.
I had to buy another book............................... really I JUST HAD TOO. It was calling my name............,. I now own "Fabulous Felted Bags" by Nicky Epstein.
Sunday I didn't bother to get dressed for breakfast. More spinning and more fibre glommed on to my hand and just clung there. What could I do ???.............. I had to buy it.
Door prize time and everyone got one. Mine was more fibre in colours I really love ................ bright and in your face.
Oh yes I must tell you about poor Anul Likit........... I took her to guard my spinning wheel and Tony kept stepping on her. Thankfully she survived the abuse.

But I must tell you the most wonderful thing of all .................. Sheila gave me my Birthday shawl that she made for me.. It is agorgeous, deep red, rectangular shawl that is very cuddly an soft. I love it and Sheila, she is a wonderful friend who also gave me a brick of silk to spin.
I will post more photos to morrow.
We stopped in Hope and had coffee ( and a double chocolate fudge brownie) Then we had to stop at the bead shop, then the toy shop, We were going to the "Betty Boop shop " but it was getting late and we would miss too much spinning time so we headed out.
Along the way we passed this car on the side of the road. "Was that Jude's car?" "I don't know, what should we do" "No bars on the phone" " We better go back and check." So Gail makes a U turn on the highway and we head back towards Hope. "OH look is that Jude passing in the other direction?" No car at the side of the road so another U turn and we are headed for Cache Creek. Along the way this is what we see......................
We arrive safely at the retreat and I have finished one fingerless glove from my latest handspun yarn.......... unload the truck and go in. Most people are there and Lynne has saved us seats either side of her. Hello's and hugs to every one ............. it is so good to see every one.
Gail and I.
Sheila looks great and is a crazy as ever but no more so than the rest of us. Just time left to put clothes and pillows in the bedrooms before dinner. After dinner we check out the vendors ......................... oooooooohhhhhhhhh yummy stuff .................. but I DON"T need anything ................................. someone says "It isn't about NEED" .......................... Oh look there is one of the books on my wish list .........................I could buy this after all I was planning to get it one day ..... OH DEAR!!........ I think my hand is stuck in this bag!!!!!!!!! Sharon says " shall I start you a tab?"......... and you thought that only happened in the bar didn't you.
Time to do some spinning and talk................... believe it or not I can do both those things at the same time. About 9:00 Gail and Lynne go to bed not me .....I might miss something. At 11:00 I put aside my green BFL and call it a night. I have a whole room to myself. I never have a whole room to myself. It feels strange but nice.
Morning, 7:25 and I head for the coffee pot still in my PJs. Two cups later go get dressed before breakfast and then it is upstairs to do more spinning, visiting and shopping. A great day, I purchase some lovely fibre (photos later) After lunch it is "Show and Tell" oh my goodness what gorgeous things and wonderful creations................. I am inspired. At 4:00 Gail and I decide if we have a nap we could stay up late and spin. (That one hour nap and we stayed up until 1:00). Dinner at 5:00 , time for a walk so off we go through the hedge. Gift exchange at 7:00 ...............I get a lovely braid of merino and silk in colours I love.
Socks, socks and more socks.
I had to buy another book............................... really I JUST HAD TOO. It was calling my name............,. I now own "Fabulous Felted Bags" by Nicky Epstein.
Sunday I didn't bother to get dressed for breakfast. More spinning and more fibre glommed on to my hand and just clung there. What could I do ???.............. I had to buy it.
Door prize time and everyone got one. Mine was more fibre in colours I really love ................ bright and in your face.
Oh yes I must tell you about poor Anul Likit........... I took her to guard my spinning wheel and Tony kept stepping on her. Thankfully she survived the abuse.
But I must tell you the most wonderful thing of all .................. Sheila gave me my Birthday shawl that she made for me.. It is agorgeous, deep red, rectangular shawl that is very cuddly an soft. I love it and Sheila, she is a wonderful friend who also gave me a brick of silk to spin.
I will post more photos to morrow.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
One more sleep
Tomorrow Gail and I are off to Desert Mesa Spinning retreat. I am sorry to say that Sharon is unable to join us this time due to circumstances beyond her control. We will miss her.
I am making lists so that I hopefully don't forget anything. As usual I will probably take way too much but I wouldn't want to run out or get bored ................. LOL. Anyway I am really looking forward to this weekend'
As to my fibre projects, I have finished "the Bar Stool Commando Shawl" and it turned out well.

Now I need to finish my Anniversary Shawl. I mailed "Slow Bee 1 " to my sister but haven't heard anything back yet, so I don't know if it has arrived yet.
I made 8 hats for the "Boomer Project" and have another on the needles but it is on hold until I have finished my Christmas knitting.

This is my partially finished multi-media project. It is only partly finished as I haven't quit figured out what to do with it.

These are the small blocks I made on the quilting retreat last month. The PLAN is to quilt them and make them into Christmas cards. I really need to get off my butt and finish a few things.
I am making lists so that I hopefully don't forget anything. As usual I will probably take way too much but I wouldn't want to run out or get bored ................. LOL. Anyway I am really looking forward to this weekend'
As to my fibre projects, I have finished "the Bar Stool Commando Shawl" and it turned out well.
Now I need to finish my Anniversary Shawl. I mailed "Slow Bee 1 " to my sister but haven't heard anything back yet, so I don't know if it has arrived yet.
I made 8 hats for the "Boomer Project" and have another on the needles but it is on hold until I have finished my Christmas knitting.
This is my partially finished multi-media project. It is only partly finished as I haven't quit figured out what to do with it.
These are the small blocks I made on the quilting retreat last month. The PLAN is to quilt them and make them into Christmas cards. I really need to get off my butt and finish a few things.
Monday, 6 October 2008
I finished Bill's monster sock's this week and have been madly knitting socks for the Boomer Project. Lynn at Knitopia in Langley donated the yarn and so far I have 4 hats done. I hope to use up all the yarn she gave me by Thursday evening when it is fibre night at Knitopia. I may try to do a small sweater as well as the hats. Shelby was here over the weekend and we did some baking, Muffins on Saturday and Sunday was pancakes for breakfast and cheese pizzas for lunch. She puts on her apron and a chef's hat for the baking.
Lazy day
Well I have been meaning to update this blog for the past week. The quilting retreat was great fun, lots of laughter, friendship, quilting, good food and wine. I only managed to take 3 photos before my batteries died. Then I left them to charge for the rest of the weekend. SO here are my 3 photos; 2 of Brigit modeling my Slow Bee 1 Shawl and 1 of Lisa having fun. 

Lisa says she has decided that she isn't really a quilter just a designer and binder. She spent the best part of a day procrastinating before she finished up her Brother-in-Laws quilt. She also managed to quilt her tinner project.
I managed to sandwich the baby quilt, trimmed my international siggy blocks, finished signing my Christmas siggy blocks, made 4 small paper pieced pictures for cards and did a small lap quilt for Jackie to practice quilting.
The others also got a lot done so it was a very successful weekend. I won the door prize which was a Freckles pattern which contained 6 Angel blocks. I shared this with Brigit as she really wanted it. The girls say I can't put my name in next year as I have won three years in a row so I guess I will opt out and let someone else win.
Lisa says she has decided that she isn't really a quilter just a designer and binder. She spent the best part of a day procrastinating before she finished up her Brother-in-Laws quilt. She also managed to quilt her tinner project.
I managed to sandwich the baby quilt, trimmed my international siggy blocks, finished signing my Christmas siggy blocks, made 4 small paper pieced pictures for cards and did a small lap quilt for Jackie to practice quilting.
The others also got a lot done so it was a very successful weekend. I won the door prize which was a Freckles pattern which contained 6 Angel blocks. I shared this with Brigit as she really wanted it. The girls say I can't put my name in next year as I have won three years in a row so I guess I will opt out and let someone else win.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
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