Today was Fat Quarter Tuesday at ......................... Quilt shop in Bellingham. I wasn't going to go because I don't need any more fabric and I didn't want to spend the money but........................................ Inge and Jocelyn forced me to go with them............................................. Yes they did.....................................................HONEST .............................................. Inge told me Saturday that I was going if they had to drag me kicking and screaming................................ Not a good thing for the neighbours or Shelby to see so I went quietly. Many Fat Quarters later I am home and here are photos of my purchases. That Margaret wasn't even able to join us for lunch as she was so busy at work.
I think these will make a nice quilt. What do you think???
I bought two japanese print fat quarters and ....
these are just because.
Saturday I finished a Dear Jane block for Rosa and Sunday Iris, Celeste and I played with UTEE and stuff.
Yesterday I did next to nothing trying to recover from a very busy week. I did some knitting and finished this bag. The pattern is Pinwheel Purse from "Modular Knits" by Iris Schreier
The yarn was hand-spun I did about 15 years ago and I felted it slightly. Instead of a button I used a broach I made many years ago when I still did petite point.
Oooo... Nice fabric! I think I have some of that bluey-green japanese waterfall in my stash.