Tonight I watched a movie called "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". It is about four teenage girls and their friendship. It was a bit of a teary movie for me but then I cry every time I see "Old Yeller". Any movie that is really happy or sad or emotional makes me cry. I was hoping that the tears would help drain my sinuses but no such luck so I went and made myself some Chai tea with milk and sugar in it. ................................... the ginger snaps were calling from the cookie jar so I had some of them with my tea.
These two days haven't been a total loss as I did do some knitting but not much else.
I finished a wee sock and the "fetching fingerless gloves". I am not doing any lace as I am not concentrating very well. I have a couple more UFO's that I can maybe finish off which would be nice. I want to work on a couple of my lace projects but I need to finish the store sample and the testing pattern.
This little bear needs a face and then he will go to the Boomer Project.
This is a small purse to hold business cards. I used ONE of my buttons ......... now only need to find a use for the other 999,999 that I have.
I am also going to mend a couple pairs of socks that I made many years ago and still love.
Sorry to her about your sinus problem - hope it clears soon. I love the colours of the fingerless gloves